
Entry 3: Concerning how I survived the Xarax swarm

My parents were nearby, and they didn’t know what to do, so they took my hands and ran with me as fast they could, heading towards our house. But it didn’t matter. It was too late, as the swarm swept upon my parents, they were stung, and likewise the insects crawled into their mouth.

I ran for the door, I tripped over a stone, rolling, and avoiding the first swooping attack. It was purely by luck at that moment. The next action was by a stroke of pure brilliance. The closest safety around; my turtle sand box.

I leapt in, and covered myself with its shell top. The insects flew around, buzzing, covering the sandbox. Leaving me trapped inside. It wasn’t long before the swarm for the most part left. But when I exited the sandbox, I found that they had just moved to my house trying to get in.

My parents were dead; I remember grabbing the ignition code from my father’s pocket, my mother and father died holding each other. I didn’t have time to say goodbye. I had to move on.

I rushed to their ship. It was simplistic, just to get them to the space-port and back. I opened the hatch and jumped into the door. I closed it quickly, and I heard the buzzing. It was the most horrifying sound. Their buzzing: to a six year old, it was the most frightening experience ever.

I inserted the ignition code into the drive. The computer began to beep. I didn’t know how to operate the ship, but I knew the auto-pilot could get me to the instillation. I hit the buttons like my mother did. It seemed to work because the ship jetted out of the hold, and headed into the atmosphere. The higher I went the more black clouds I saw, and once the atmosphere was behind me I noticed more of them were coming.

The instillation was a large top-shaped space station. The ship flew instantly towards the military entrance. There were military ships leaving: they had to pilot around the one I was on and the ship landed.

Immediately the door was opened and three MP’s came in and saw me. I don’t remember if I was crying. I imagine I was. I was a scared little girl. But after that day, I don’t remember crying much. Nor did I think much about my dead parents or the earth.

The MP’s took me out of the ship, and as they were dragging me off to the orphanage or jail, Major-Commander Michael Bradford noticed who I was. He was one of my parent’s friends. He told me if we didn’t leave soon that the instillation would blow up with us on it.

The Self Destruct codes were activated to keep it from being taken by the Xarax.


Skywalker said...

Kinda reminds me of being on Geonosis...

Anonymous said...



Master Obi-Wan said...

Glad to see you survived and I am sorry about your parents.

Yes, Geonisis....

Master Adana said...

To experience what you have as a child will cause anyone to want to shut of their emotions.

Yes, it does remind me of Geonosis too .