
Entry 6: Concerning my first crush.

When I was eleven, I met a boy. His name was Private Jacob Statler. We met in the library. I was studying and he sat down next to me. It was a delightfully awkward moment, looking back.

Jacob was a sweetheart, and he sat down, and he said, “Corporal Cartwright, I think you are very, very pretty.” I blushed, and I set my book down, “Jacob, my name is Amelia. Please call me Amelia.”

“Okay, Amelia,” he said, “I have tomorrow night off, and there is a meteor shower, and I wanted to know if you wanted to watch it with me?” I smiled, “Of course Jacob.”

He was so charming… to an adolescent female. Jacob was my age. He was from the moon colony. He joined the army because his parents were taken by the swarm. We went the next night and watched the meteor shower. It was amazing, and he held my hand through the whole ordeal.

After that, we began to spend time together at night. He would always have a flower, even if it was a dandelion, one time he found me a rose, and he let me smell it. I remember the fragrance still today.

For months we just spent time with each other, even if I was studying, he would sit there with me and hold my hand. Or if he was studying I would massage his shoulders for him. We ate lunch together, and we were inseparable.

One night, he was crying because he missed his parents, and him missing his parents made me think about mine. I started crying, and we held each other trying to soothe each other through our own tears.

I don’t know what it was about that moment… But we met lips. I had heard from several people that normally no-one had their first kiss at the age of 12. I remember the feeling of his warm lips against mine, a feeling, awkward at first filled my whole body, and when I withdrew from the kiss, our tears had stopped.

Jacob hugged me tightly around the shoulders, and I hugged him back. I was smiling, and I knew he was too.

But with each other good event in my life… it had to come to an end.


TX said...

I remember my first Kiss.
Flowers? I do not under stand the fascination

Anonymous said...

Heehee I reemeber mine. Remind me to tell you about it.

Skywalker said...

No commet on the kiss parts.

Anonymous said...

awww young love

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Oh TX, you have no soul.

The flowers are a nice gesture.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Young love is so sweet, Amelia.